Walk Penbryn to Llangrannog

Cardigan and New Quay, Aberaeron - OS Explorer Map Sheet 198

Walk information

Map:: Explorer 198

Distance 2 miles2

Approximate Time 1 hour 10 mins one way

Description A favourite walk climbing by gorse hedges to beautiful views across Cardigan Bay often to the Lleyn Peninsula in North Wales. Look out for choughs, Peregrine falcons and in winter Merlin and Red-throated Divers.

Walk Penbryn to Llangrannog

Start The walk starts 2 miles from the A487 at Sarnau at the National Trust car park and cafe of Penbryn Beach.

Refreshments are available at both Penbryn car park and Llangrannog

  1. Immediately after leaving the National Trust car park at Penbryn Beach, turn up the farm track on your right. The footpath is signposted from the top of the track, and will take you down into a steep gully leading to the small sickle- shaped beach Traeth Bach, and up past the Iron Age fortified settlement Castell Bach, before finally dropping down into Llangrannog where you can find lots of cafes and restaurants.

Treath Bach


Maps for Exploring Cardigan Bay and Ceredigion Coast Path can be found by clicking here

landranger 145 map for Cardigan Bay
Note: OS Maps – Explorer maps scale 1:25,000 are used mainly for walking. Landranger maps scale 1:50,000 are better suited for planning a visit to Cardigan Bay. If you prefer the Landranger please choose this map. Cardigan and Mynydd Preseli – OS Landranger Map Sheet 145